Thursday 18 April 2013

Toyota Prius

Another great car from Toyota! It is "Prius".

The sleek lines and sweeping roof of the Prius are not just for show - they provide efficiency benefits as well!!

From the front bumper to the rear spoiler, every ridge and corner of the Prius optimises airflow over, under and around the car. The car is designed to slip through the air - saving fuel and emissions. The industry measures aerodynamics by a car's drag co-efficient (Cd). The Prius Cd of 0.25 is among the lowest you'll find for any production car!!

Prius is the first car in the world to use a plant-based plastic for some interior trim.

You'll find trims and scuff boards are made from plant-derived plastic, while sound proofing and the driver's side seat cushion are made from a combination of recycled materials.

Toyota Prius is awesome!!:)

- Toshi

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